Automatic quarterly Support Contracts discounted payments for new contracts are still available but will close shortly. Please contact us for details.
We had hoped to release a new version of MyCourts by the end of June however we have deferred doing so as we want to include the latest code releases from Microsoft. This will enable us to explore some major improvements in our software product range. Please contact us directly should you have any update issues that you would like escalated.
We are pleased to advise that updates are now available for some of MyCourts programs with more expected over the next few weeks. A full release of a consolidated update should follow in late May 2023 with a full new version within weeks of that release.If you are seeking to update MyCourts with any new features then please let us know.
We have been very busy customizing code within MyCourts as requested by various clients and whilst some clients are already running updated releases we will be able to release a new version to everybody by end of March 2023.
We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our online web presence enabling you to quickly lookup additional help and detailed articles out of all our software products.MyCourts as well as Desktop Quickies and our Aquarius Communications support portals are now all under the one roof and share a common forum for help and discussion peer-to-peer.We will appreciate your feedback.
We have been busy working behind the scenes and hope to have full release of MyCourts available soon. In the meantime we will continue to release individual updates for each program in the MyCourts Suite.If you have any specific items you would like to see included in the new version please contact us as soon as possible.
We have enhanced MyCourts Online to enable the gathering and recording of all player's names enabling the appropriate authorities to trace contacts. Within the club, player information can be easily recorded at the time the booking is made however the ability to record this information, as well as update it when necessary online will help in the fight against Covid-19.To take advantage of this enhancement, ensure you have the latest version of MyCourts and refer to this KB Article for...
Effective today, 1st October 2019, MyCourts licensing will be based on a recurring Subscription Basis. The subscription amount to be paid will be based on the number of facilities that your Organisation wishes to manage via MyCourts. All the current features of MyCourts will remain however you will only be able to use MyCourts whilst your subscription remains current and paid up-to-date.We have moved to a Subscription based licencing model in an effort to spread the cost-of-ownership...
MyCourts v15.5.0.0 has been released and is now available for download. You can download the installation/update program in either format by clicking the link:- Executable - Just run this file to update/install v15.5.0.0. - Zipped - Download and extract the contents to a folder. Then execute the MyCourtsV15.5.0.0.exe file.This version includes all known bug fixes including moving bookings in the main windows as well as the PayPal upgrade to TLS. It also implements the use of...
We are pleased to announce that we have updated our Support Portal and our Help sites. You can now access your Tickets as well as join our Community Forums at our Portal. Click here to check it out and leave us a message in the Community letting us know what you think and include your recommendations.When you register in our Portal use your email address that you send Support Requests from. This will ensure all your previous tickets will be viewable when you login.
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