Version Release

We have been very busy this year with several new major releases and updates culminating so far in the release of Version .

Thanks to your feedback and requests for enhancements we have improved performance, added more reports, re-introduced charts, enhanced the online web service and fixed all known bugs. We have also introduced a new streamlined registration/licencing system as well as background reporting functions that have assisted us with speedy resolution of problems, often before you come across them.

We are also looking at enhancing our web sites to include pages where new additions to MyCourts can be listed as well  as described in greater detail. The included Help file will always include details on any new functionality as well as changes made so if in doubt, press F1 in MyCourts.

The Olympics are currently in full swing and it has been great to see the Badminton with the players from Malaysia performing so well. Good luck to all the athletes!

Glen Harvy.