Cancellation fees can be a good deterrent against "no-shows" allowing better usage of your courts. You should consider applying the fee even if your facilities don't normally attract a usage fee. In addition, you can also collect a "No Show" fee if your hirer fails to turn up for the booking however at present there is no way for MyCourts to actually know if the hirer has turned up unless of course you manually check yourself.

Different fee amounts can be applied to different Facility Groups by navigating through the available groups for your setup.

The amount of the Cancellation Fee should be determined with a view to providing the hirer with a financial incentive to cancel the booking as early as possible giving fellow members the opportunity to use the facility. A "No Show" fee on the other hand is a penalty fee.

Here's how to implement a collection fee:

1. Open MyCourts Administrator to Setup - Facility Groups:
2. User Cancellations
As usual, pressing F1 or clicking on Help will open MyCourts Help applicable to your version of MyCourts.

Allow Cancellation:
Can the booking be cancelled online?
Cancellation Fee:
The amount of the fee to be applied if cancelled.
Cancellation Period:
Condition to apply the fee.
No Show Fee:
A No Show fee may be manually applied if required. Please enter the amount of the fee here so that the fee will appear in the POS system.
Allow Refunds:
Do you allow refunds when a booking is cancelled online.
For online bookings, refunds will be calculated and automatically applied to the hirer's account if that was the original method of payment. Original payments made by PayPal or Credit Card will be recorded and the hirer advised to contact you to arrange a manual refund. 
Allow Reimbursement:
If you do not allow Refunds you may offer to reimburse the hiring charge already paid if there is a subsequent hirer who hires the facility for either a part of the original hiring period or the whole period as the case may be. Toggling this option to Yes will force MyCourts to record the original hire and associated fee. Should a subsequent hire be made for part or all of that hire then it will also record the amount of the fee reimbursable to the original hirer.
If you do allow refunds then this option will automatically be set to No.

Check the following:
  • If using PayPal - enable PayPal as payment option. MCA → Web Services → Online Options → Hire Payment Methods → Accept PayPal . 
  • In MCA → Web Services → Online Options II Check that members are allowed to cancel reservations.